eBay Store
Our eBay Store can be accessedHERE. (Clicking the link will open a new window, so you can still come back to this site easily.) You will enter the BuyBlankChecks section of our store, but feel free to browse other items that may be available. Our eBay Store contains varying products at varying times. Please note, pricing at the eBay Store may vary from what is available on this website due to an entirely different platform it works off of. If you find a better price at our eBay Store and would rather purchase from our website directly, please contact us and we can generate a special discount code just for you! (This is an exception to the rule, so if you have a promo code for our site, you can't use it in combination with eBay Store pricing.)
INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS: Customers outside the United States may run into two different shipping rates based on whether you buy from our website or our eBay Store. We participate in the eBay Global Shipping program, but have no way of knowing country to country if there is a price difference in shipping costs. We recommend putting the sameitem(s) in your cart here and at our eBay Store and then go with whichever comes in better, if there is a difference at all. Please visit oureBay Store.